"Seeing evil": a cause for vexation or a cause for freedom?
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05-27-2012, 08:41 PM
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Oct 2005
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In doing right or causing harm (evil), these are actions.
I don't believe people are good or evil. They, for the most part, don't understand the "cause and effect" karma of their actions. Many are raised in areas where what one may consider wrong is common place.
So to say a person is evil ( I also think this word really isn't appropriate) is just casting a label on them. Though it is a negative lable.
My understanding is more along the lines of benificial, or harmful.
Is what you're doing benifiting your own path and in that aspect benifiting all living beings?
Or are you doing things that hinder your path and in turn not benifiting any living being?
In taking Refuge, the last line says:
"May I become a Buddha to benifit all living beings."
So I see the actions we make as benificial or harmful.
Neither good nor evil.
Also, the English language is a very limited language in it's ability to explain translations of words, which there are many there is no English word/translation for
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