"Seeing evil": a cause for vexation or a cause for freedom?
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05-28-2012, 12:22 PM
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Oct 2005
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buddha did not rely on anyone to get enlightened, unlike all of us, unlike all of the arahants & bodhisattvas that relied on buddha I think the fact that the Buddha himself tried all the different methods available during his time, then he realized that it does not lead to "Freedom" or "the truth" is very significant.
We have been seeing reality and dealing with others through ideas (through our subjective filters), but if we want to see things as they are without distortion by our minds, we need to free our mind from all knowledge accumulated in our memories.
What i am trying to say is that no one can show us the truth or make us, its the only thing that you have to do for your ownself. What the Buddha can help us with is to show us the plastic (which is the so called knowledge/ideas including his own teachings). I think the path should begin with freedom because we cant start our search for freedom with another bondage
the 8FP is a outcome of 'self' The eight fold path is information/knowledge that once i read it becomes stored in my memory which becomes a part of the self!! You might argue that its the law of nature...etc but this also will become knowledge and a part of my ego!
"seeing" is not an action. seeing is an automatic function of the nervous system Are we talking about seeing through the eyes? or seeing through awarness?
Bundokji, what exactly is this "freedom" you are referring to? freedom from what? I was referring to freedom from cause and effect. The title of this thread implies that freedom can be caused, and i dont think i agree with that. If something is caused then we are still in the same chain/vicious cycle.
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