"Seeing evil": a cause for vexation or a cause for freedom?
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05-29-2012, 01:31 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hello The seeking1,
I hope you and others people dont mind me being the devil advocate here (as usual).
We define ourselves as Buddhists or living beings trying to follow the teachings of The Buddha May i ask why are you trying to
the Buddha or anyone else? What i am trying to say is that if the ultimate truth is what you are after (whatever that means) then i dont think following any ideology will help. If you want to have a happier and more peaceful life, then Buddhism is one amongst many other ideologies/philosophies that promise you the same result.
Using Buddhism in your daily life is just living the right way Well, all other religions say the same thing (i am not surprised
). You can spend few hours focusing on your breathing untill you start hallucinating, then you believe that something magical has happened to you. Many christians and muslims have seen miracls too, and they believe that they are living the right way.
Conditioning is likened to Pavlovs dog. Do we differ from Pavlovs dog in this particular instance? The theory of memory and learning is equally applicable to human beings but we are so arrogant to admit it.
Is being mindful of your actions and thoughts conditioning? Well, why do you want to be mindful of your actions and thoughts? are you trying to achieve something? if you do, then you must be conditioned.
By the way, what is wrong with being conditioned? what is wrong with reality being impermenant? why are we looking for something permenant? why we are not willing to accept reality as it is?
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