I do not believe that the mind converges w/the in & out breath...I am not saying that anapanasati is separate from awareness. The issue is, is that the focus is understanding and not "Gee, that REALLY was a long breath"... Having said that, Krishnamurti's Choiceless Awareness and Dzogchen's Naked Awareness is the same thing actually. I believe that what the Buddha taught was also Choiceless Awareness but people have taken it to be a "method" such as many erroneously stating that "concentration is meditation" when it is not, Not according to Buddhadhamma or Krishnamurti or Dzogchen or Vedanta, for that matter. Do you believe that Theravada is the "original" teaching of the Buddha? My research has shown that there were other "schools" who held different Abhidhammas who were Pre-Mahayana. Ch'an, Dzogchen, Mahayana, etc. reflect another aspect of Buddhist school.