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Old 08-13-2011, 10:12 AM   #37

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Oct 2005
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You say one thing and they you claim you meant another.

I would be interested to hear if others see it the same way.

I have not said anything different - maybe I do not explain myself well and as you see me in a certain way you assume I mean certain things and others here are more tolerant of me and interested in understanding what I am trying too say.

It's about the Buddha's teachings, not "my dogmatic views". If they are dogmatic, then the Buddha was "dogmatic". So what? You are stuck in and push dogmatic mahavajra views and superstitions that have nothing to do with what the Buddha taught.

I am not stuck anyway - however many times you push me into a box and try to keep me there in your perception, stuka.

This has nothing to so with "being an intellectual". One can't practice what one doesn't know and understand.

All I have said here is that the teachings were and are to given with the intention of being for practice - I did not say they should not be studied at all.

Yeah, you said folks don't need to study or discuss the suttas.

I did not say this - I said they were not given to be studied and discussed, they were given to be used.


Individuals who are in a teaching role and in my interactions with them know the teachings and do not practice them in their actions.

Straw Man -- No one has said anything about "becoming the property of scholars". And yes, the Suttas were intended for anyone who had ears and the will. To study AND discuss AND learn AND comprehend AND verify AND put into practice. Mahavajyra revisionist making up as you go along is not what the Buddha had in mind.

I said that is not what the teachings were given for and agree you can not practice something you do not understand.

Unfortunately, some of those very scholars -- such as Bodhi -- are misrepresenting what the Buddha said and taught.

I see that you could be seen as misrepresenting the intention of the Pali canon being collated, but as it is up to all of us to discern what is truth, what you say or what I say is not that important, how we practice what we understand is the important thing, unfortunately discussing this topic with you is getting like most discussions with you for me and I will end it here.

Message to admin - I am having lots of difficulties posting today. Keep getting pop up stating that I can't post as the post is too few letters when this is not the case.I am hoping this addition will allow me to post my comment above - hence my writing it here.
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