for example, it seems by the suttas Dependent Origination is simply a more detailed explanation of the Four Noble Truths, as follows: Dependent Origination differs from the Four Noble Truths in that it traces the origination of suffering (further) back to ignorance rather than to (the nearer) craving. however, apart from this, the 4NTs and DO appear essentially to be of the same scope similarly, the teaching of Emptiness (sunnata) is a more pervasive & broad explanation of not-self (anatta): or the teachings about the three kinds of defilement (greed, hatred & delusion) is an extrapolation of the three kinds of craving from in the 1st sermon thus, is there scope for any other teachings that pertain to the ending of suffering, Nibbana, etc, which are beyond the scope, i.e., beyond the causality, established in the first two sermons?