Mindfulness (plus attentiveness): most practical translation?
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04-19-2012, 06:00 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
The metaphor "to burn up" has always been an effective one to me...
thanks Abhaya
i like the English term 'covetousness' because it not only has the nuance of desire but also the nuance of 'appropriation' (taking ownership; stealing; attachment)
Therefore, monks, give up whatever is not yours. Your giving it up will for a long time bring you welfare and happiness. What is it that is not yours? Corporeality is not yours. Give it up! Your giving it up will for a long time bring you welfare and happiness. Feeling is not yours. Give it up! Your giving it up will for a long bring you welfare and happiness. Perception is not yours. Give it up! Your giving it up will for a long time bring you welfare and happiness. Mental formations are not yours. Give them up! Your giving them up will for a long time bring you welfare and happiness. Consciousness is not yours. Give it up! Your giving it up will for a long time bring you welfare and happiness.
MN 22
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