Nāma-rūpa is best understood in the context of its interplay as ‘recognition of form’ (rūpa as both embodiment and objects of sense).
In Concept and Reality, Ñāṇananda mentions this: This ‘pathways of concepts and designations converged on it,…’ is the same dynamic we find in AN. (Kiṃmūlaka Suttas’) where such ‘concepts and designations’ are the sabbe dhammā ‘all things’ which ‘converge at sensations’ (vedanā samosaraṇa), the basis of which are in nāma-rūpa and diversity are in the 18 dhātus of saḷāyatana (AN. – Samiddhi Sutta), and are led by the contemplative through the pathway of samādhi and sati to the utmost of wisdom and release into the deathless of nibbāna.