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Old 09-19-2011, 11:49 AM   #11

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Interesting. The translation of words may be helpful here.

cattārome , bhikkhave, āhārā bhūtānaṃ vā sattānaṃ ṭhitiyā sambhavesīnaṃ vā anuggahāya

there are these four kinds of nutriment for the maintenance of beings that have already come to be and for the assistance (help) of those about to come to be [Bhikkhu Bodhi translation]

anuggaṇha (adj.) [cp. anuggaha] compassionate, ready to help PvA 42 ˚sīla

thus, each day, monks chant about how their alms food maintains & supports their spiritual life
However, the problem with this interpretation is the suttas also seem to align 'nutriment' with craving

And what is nutriment, what is the origin of nutriment, what is the cessation of nutriment, what is the way leading to the cessation of nutriment?

There are these four kinds of nutriment for the maintenance of beings that already have come to be and for the support of those seeking a new existence.

What four?

They are physical food as nutriment, gross or subtle; contact as the second; mental volition as the third; and consciousness as the fourth.

With the arising of craving there is the arising of nutriment.

With the cessation of craving there is the cessation of nutriment.

The way leading to the cessation of nutriment is just this Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.

Sammaditthi Sutta: The Discourse on Right View But then, maybe, this is not a problem, especially if we understand the term 'cessation' (nirodha) as 'quenching' or the 'extinguishing' of craving.

When craving arises, originates or generates, there must also be the arising, origination or generation of nutriment.

But when craving ceases, what ceases is craving 'mixed' with nutriment, just as the cessation (nirodha) of consciousness means the cesssation of craving mixed with consciousness

Just as consciousness can be purified, possibly nutriment can also become pure or be purified

Thus, when the word 'nirodha' is understood as 'quenching' or 'extinguishing' craving (i.e., the fires of greed, hatred & delusion), nutriment may become are more neutral term

SN 22.48 states there are two kinds of five aggregates, namely, five aggregates with clinging and five aggregates without clinging

so, possibly, nutriment is the same, that is, there is nutriment with craving and nutriment without craving

If a monk abandons passion for the property of consciousness, then owing to the abandonment of passion, the support is cut off and there is no landing of consciousness. Consciousness, thus not having landed, not increasing, not concocted, is released. Owing to its release, it is steady. Owing to its steadiness, it is contented. Owing to its contentment, it is not agitated. Not agitated, he (the monk) is totally unbound right within. He discerns that 'Birth is ended, the holy life fulfilled, the task done. There is nothing further for this world.'

Upaya Sutta Sàriputta, whoever recluse or brahmin purified alms food in the past, did so reflecting in this manner. Whoever recluse or brahmin would purify alms food in the future, will do so reflecting in this manner. Whoever recluse or brahmin purifies alms food at present, do so reflecting in this manner. Sàriputta, you should train in this manner.

Pindapataparisuddhi Sutta: Purification of Alms Food
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