Are Buddhist scriptures revealed texts?
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10-02-2011, 07:22 PM
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Oct 2005
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Are Buddhist scriptures revealed texts?
I am back teaching Buddhism again to 17-18 year old students after an extended summer break. Many thanks to all you virtual Buddhist friends who replied so quickly to all our questions last year. Your comments are invaluable to us even when, and especially when views appear to differ according to what branch of Buddhism people adhere to. May we continue to ask for your help? We are now looking at the Pali Cannon and would value your comments on the question we have to discuss, set down by our syllabus: "Are Buddhist scriptures revealed texts?". We are also going on to look at how different Buddhists take differing attitudes towards the Pali Cannon depending on whether they adhere to the Theravada school, one of the many branches of Mahayana or are indeed Western Buddhists. We would value your views on any of these questions. Looking forward to reading your replies. With gratitude, Podgerl.
P.S. I have written this as a Theravada thread, but realise that the question isn't confined to Theravada, and we are also going to be looking at the Lotus Sutra and the Heart Sutra in the context of the above question. x
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