Are Buddhist scriptures revealed texts?
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10-03-2011, 05:57 PM
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Oct 2005
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The word "revealed" implies that some supernatural source gave some
knowledge to a human.
are we certain?
the Dhamma (Truth) was certainly something "hidden" from man until the Buddha discovered it
Monks, whether or not there is the arising of Tathagatas, this property stands — this steadfastness of the Dhamma, this orderliness of the Dhamma. The Tathagata directly awakens to that, breaks through to that. Directly awakening & breaking through to that, he declares it, teaches it, describes it, sets it forth. He reveals it, explains it & makes it plain
Dhamma-niyama Sutta did 'something' reveal the Dhamma to the Buddha?
immediately after his enlightenment, the Buddha made the following exclamation about 'revelation'
Yadā have
Ātāpino jhāyato brāhmaṇassa;
Vidhūpayaṃ tiṭṭhati mārasenaṃ,
Sūriyova obhāsayamantalikkha
When things
become manifest
(John D. Ireland)
To the ardent meditating brahman,
He abides scattering Mara's host
Like the sun illumining the sky
As phenomena
grow clear
(Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
to the brahman — ardent, in jhāna —
he stands, routing Māra's army,
as the sun, illumining the sky
When the nature of things
becomes really manifest
(Anandajoti Bhikkhu)
Truly, when things
grow plain
Indeed when things
become apparent
(Ven Aggacitta)
All dhammas
themselves to him (Shiro Matsumoto)
As soon as (the true nature of) things is
to him (Vimalo Kulbarz)
With composed mind
true views (Pali Text Society)
When the real nature of things
becomes clear
(Professor Ko Lay)
Ud 1.3
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