Pali suttas: contradictions & additions
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09-18-2011, 08:36 AM
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Pali suttas: contradictions & additions
dear Pali sutta thumpers & other friends
i was reading a sutta today and noticed how it seems to contradict another sutta
in this sutta (AN 10.93), the householder Anathapindika is reported to have possessed supramundane understanding
yet another sutta (MN 143) seems to report Anathapindika did not possess supramundane understanding (until prior to his death)
i came to the conclusion that one of the suttas could not be a genuine account of history and thus must be a later addition
(however, the content of neither sutta is contrary to the core principles of the Buddha-Dhamma)
are there others suttas we know of that are either blatant contradictions to core principles and/or simply suspected additions?
kind regards
Anathapindika the householder said to the wanderers: "Now this view has been brought into being, is fabricated, willed, dependently originated. Whatever has been brought into being, is fabricated, willed, dependently originated, that is inconstant. Whatever is inconstant is stress. This venerable one thus adheres to that very stress, submits himself to that very stress."
AN 10.93: Ditthi Sutta: Views
Householder, you should train yourself in this way: 'I won't cling to what is seen, heard, sensed, cognized, attained, sought after, pondered by the intellect; my consciousness will not be dependent on that.' That's how you should train yourself."
When this was said, Anathapindika the householder wept and shed tears. Ven. Ananda said to him, "Are you sinking, householder? Are you foundering?"
"No, venerable sir. I'm not sinking, nor am I foundering. It's just that for a long time I have attended to the Teacher and to the monks who inspire my heart but never before have I heard a talk on the Dhamma like this."
"This sort of talk on the Dhamma, householder, is not given to lay people clad in white. This sort of talk on the Dhamma is given to those gone forth."
"In that case, Ven. Sariputta, please let this sort of talk on the Dhamma be given to lay people clad in white. There are clansmen with little dust in their eyes who are wasting away through not hearing [this] Dhamma. There will be those who will understand it."
MN 143: Anathapindikovada Sutta: Instructions to Anathapindika
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