hi I am referring to the reality of psychological experience rather than Yogacara's theory. The thinking mind (citta) generates anger and stores anger. The conscious (meditation) mind allows anger to rise from storage & dissolve. This is basic psychological reality. In spirituality, the practise is to become conscious in order to 'release' mental defilements. So, imo, all of the theories of rebirth/alaya consciousness are contrary to spiritual reality. Thus the Buddha strongly admonished those (such as Bhikkhu Sati in MN 38 ) that asserted consciousness is reborn. My view is it is impossible for consciousness to be reborn. It could be possible for a mental formation to be reborn, such as a frog living a certain pond deciding to jump into and makes its home in another pond. My impression is even the Buddha had the self-respect to never ever declare consciousness is reborn. If he did, he would be censured by both the foolish and the wise. Even religious folks have the good sense to believe "the soul", "personality", "life force", "atman", etc, is reborn. But to believe consciousness or sense awareness (mere knowing) is reborn simply does not make sense, imo