...another Appeal to Tradition here...? It isn't just seen as a derogatory term, it is a derogatory term. Nowhere is it used that is not sect-bashing and derogatory. And allow a derisive lie to proliferate further. Doesn't seem like such a great idea. Especially coming from a so-called "mahayanaist" (the other half of the derisive lie). Rather like a Caucasion suggesting that African-Americans simply ignore their use of the word "nigger'. That is not "sect bashing". That is a simple statement of fact, pointed out in reference to specific doctrines or beliefs that are clearly speculative and/or superstitious. Again pointing out the differences between what the Buddha taught and what various sects have devolved to is not "sect bashing". "Hinayana" is sect-bashing from start to finish. ...are they much greater, really? I am not convinced. Better to focus on what the Buddha taught (we are supposedly Buddhists, right?), rather than trying to herd the cats of the various sects who ignore his teachings. How "fun" is it, really? Looks more like dukkha to me...