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Old 05-30-2011, 07:53 AM   #12

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Oct 2005
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I said, "appearances arise and exist on their own level of interaction"
I know what you said.

meaning that relatively speaking, yes, if I walk out and get hit by a car I will get smashed. "I" will no longer exist, "my" life will be over. So, in one sense that is true. Ultimately speaking, you will get smashed too.

However, My understanding of what The Buddha taught is that truly there is nothing that exists which can be called "me" or "mine", He didn't say "there is nothing that exists...", which you (along with your mahavajrya brethren) are twisting into a statement of non-existence that the Buddha refused to endorse.

...merely the temporary coming together of aggregates. No self, no atman, no soul. So, that is also true. So, how can "I" get hit by a car? (and I have, by the way) And you didn't learn anything by it? Jeeez...

You seem like an intelligent person. Your attempt at condescension is quite amusing.

So, you can go on and on about how I am wallowing in speculative mahayana superstition if you want, Which you are. In a Theravada forum. I believe that the tibetan-types here threw a big hissy fit at the mere mention of a teaching of the Buddha in their forum recently.

....or you can explain to me why I shouldn't see this as two truths. I have plenty of other options, as well, none of which you dictate for me. You are free to see your superstitious contrivance as "two truths" as much as you want. What you will be unable to do is to stuff that superstitious contrivance in the Buddha's mouth.

I am very interested in learning about the Theravadin view. It appears that what you are interested in doing is to push mahayana superstition in the Theravada forum. You learn nothing until you take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth.

I am not so interested in overly verbose rants about what essentially amounts to a mahayanist conspiracy.
You won't get any of that here. But you also won't be pushing tibetan superstitions here, either.

By the way, Don't I get a smilie?
What do you think you deserve a smiley for?
scemHeish is offline


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