"Interbeing" and the Suttas
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02-09-2011, 05:35 AM
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Oct 2005
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and was trying to work out why it's not working for me.
Hi JadeRabbit,
Curiously I had that same experience with Thay's teachings: They didn't work with me by any means. Thay has written several books. They are beautiful and romantic but, as I have commented, for me, completely unpractical as it is "his" interbeing issue. His written oeuvre expouses a dramatic shift from the Mahayana literature and some Zen insight into political entanglements in his late writings where he shows some of the hippie heritage that you have mention. I agree with that.
Personally I think that "his" interbeing idea adds more noise to the New Age Mysticism than a real mindfull discipline in terms of understanding, cessation and the path that leads to the cessation of Dukkha; and on the other side, the political one, his approach is just political, naive and discursive in a field where you can found many other actors that are working really hard getting their hands in the mud to keep and preserve, through scientific knowledge, the cultural and biological diversity all of it understood, long time ago, through the interdependent perspective as are the fields of Human Ecology, Complex Adaptive Systems, Ecosystem Networking, Regional Development, Participatory Systems, Acction Research, etc.
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