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Old 11-13-2010, 04:07 AM   #11

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Oct 2005
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Buddhadasa correctly said:

As for samadhi, an empty mind is the supreme samadhi, the supremely focused firmness of mind. The straining and striving sort of samadhi isn't the real thing and the samadhi which aims at anything other than non-clinging to the five khandas is micchasamadhi (wrong or perverted samadhi).

You should be aware that there is both micchasamadhi and sammasamadhi (right or correct samadhi). Only the mind that is empty of grasping at and clinging to 'I' and 'mine' can have the true and perfect stability of sammasamadhi. One who has an empty mind has correct samadhi.

'Heart-wood from the Bo Tree'

In SN 48.9, the Buddha in the same way advised right concentration is the mind with relinquishment as it sole object (vossaggarammanam karitva).

MN 117 is deliberately placed in the suttas before MN 118. MN 117 is the actual instruction that forms the basis of practising MN 118.

Kind regards

[size=10pt]"And how are the seven factors for awakening developed & pursued so as to bring clear knowing & release to their culmination?

There is the case where a monk develops mindfulness as a factor for awakening dependent on seclusion, dependent on dispassion, dependent on cessation, resulting in relinquishment (vossaggaparināmiṃ). He develops investigation of dhammas as a factor for awakening... persistence as a factor for awakening... rapture as a factor for awakening... serenity as a factor for awakening... concentration as a factor for awakening... equanimity as a factor for awakening dependent on seclusion, dependent on dispassion, dependent on cessation, resulting in relinquishment.

Anapanasati Sutta
Bhikkhus, how do the seven factors of awakening that one has developed and made much of perfect knowledge (vijja) and liberation (vimutti)?

Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu in this Training develops sati-sambojjhanga that depends on viveka (solitude, aloneness), that depends on viraga (fading away), that depends on nirodha (quenching), that leads to vossagga (dropping away, letting go).

Vossagga [=ossagga; ava+sṛj] relinquishing, relaxation; handing over, donation, gift (see on term as ethical Bdhgh at K.S. i.321) D iii.190 (issariya˚ handing over of authority), 226; S iv.365 sq.; v.63 sq., 351 (˚rata fond of giving); A ii.66 (id.); iii.53 (id.); Ps i.109; ii.24, 117; J vi.213 (kamma˚); Nett 16; Vbh 229, 350; Vism 224; VbhA 317. -- sati -- vossagga relaxation of attention, inattention, indifference DhA i.228; iii.163, 482; iv.43. -- pariṇāmi, maturity of surrender S i.88.

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