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Old 10-23-2010, 05:42 AM   #8

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Oct 2005
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Paticcasamuppada is akalika. This word is "non-time", usually translated as timeless (but since such a rubric would render anatta as "selfless", I use 'non-' to conserve the Pali structure in English.) Paticcasamuppada does not operate over time, but is instead characterized by non-time.


What do you actually mean by 'non-time'? What practical application does this have?

Kind regards

BTW: I have always regarded 'akalika' to mean 'immediately effective'. The Buddha advised all of his Dhamma, not just Paticcasamuppada, has the quality of 'akalika'. For me, this means when it is practised, it brings immediate results or benefits.

[size=10pt]Sandiṭṭhika [cp. BSk. sandṛṣṭika Divy 426] visible; belonging to, of advantage to, this life, actual

It is welcome as a friend, beautifully told & its blessings are immediate: sv' akkhāta, sandiṭṭhika, akālika, ehipassika etc

Pali Dictionary

It is welcome as a friend [ehipassika], beautifully told [sv' akkhāta] & its blessings [sandiṭṭhika] are immediate [akālika]
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