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Old 10-27-2010, 05:04 AM   #15

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Oct 2005
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Hi Stuka

It is the same word, namely, 'upadhi'.

Kind regards

SN 12.66

Idaṃ kho dukkhaṃ upadhinidānaṃ upadhisamudayaṃ upadhijātikaṃ upadhipabhavaṃ.

This suffering has acquisition as its source, acquisition as its origin; it is born and produced from acquisition.
MN 117

Katamā ca, bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi? Sammādiṭṭhiṃpahaṃ bhikkhave, dvāyaṃ [two] vadāmi – atthi, bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi sāsavā puññabhāgiyā upadhivepakkā

And what is right view? Right view, I tell you, is of two sorts: There is right view with fermentations, siding with merit, resulting in acquisition.
MN 26

Kiñca, bhikkhave, jātidhammaṃ vadetha? Puttabhariyaṃ, bhikkhave, jātidhammaṃ, dāsidāsaṃ jātidhammaṃ, ajeḷakaṃ jātidhammaṃ, kukkuṭasūkaraṃ jātidhammaṃ, hatthigavāssavaḷavaṃ jātidhammaṃ, jātarūparajataṃ jātidhammaṃ. Jātidhammā hete, bhikkhave, upadhayo. Etthāyaṃ gathito mucchito ajjhāpanno attanā jātidhammo samāno jātidhammaṃyeva pariyesati.

And what may be said to be subject to birth? Spouses & children are subject to birth. Men & women slaves... goats & sheep... fowl & pigs... elephants, cattle, horses, & mares... gold & silver are subject to birth. Subject to birth are these acquisitions, and one who is tied to them, infatuated with them, who has totally fallen for them, being subject to birth, seeks what is likewise subject to birth.
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