Engineering grad offers robotic solutions for agri sector
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03-22-2012, 09:13 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
The article with this heading with out its source (link to the original article) is once again sending the wrong message, misleading people into believing that robotic solutions can replace the need for humans.
“Engineering grad offers robotic solutions for agri sector”
With India nearing a population of 1.2 billion and a great portion of people struggling for an existence the entrance robotics would mean we would have only skeletons at the end of the 21st century.
If the present day entrepreneurs concentrate on inventing robotics to replace child labor, politicians and corruption in India they will be doing a great service.
China used its human resources to the maximum to become a capitalist nation when the real capitalist nations of the yester years have no clue how China did it.
Just copying anything from the Internet and pasting on Chennai forums does not in anyway enhance the intelligence of this forum. If there were ten members just copying and pasting ten articles a day the Chennai forum would look like a place infested with Plagiarists.
Not knowing English is worse because one won’t understand what he is posting. No wonder what is illegal in any other country becomes legal in India. What is wrong can never become right anywhere in the world. One can only exhibit his intelligence by writing his own stuff rather than posting some else's intellectual property.
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