Religious Respect.
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12-23-2008, 09:37 PM
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Oct 2005
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Sad indeed! That would not be allowed in my sight without the Sons of Odin and their wrath falling upon all those holding rocks until I was either dead or they were!!!
What is sad is these people are brought up to believe like this from the time they are infants. It is pure brainwashing like any religion forced upon children before the age of decision or accountability.
Albeit not as extreme or deadly Christians are raised to persecute and denouce everyone as a whole and make them feel insignificant if they worship any other religion but theirs ~sighs~. They make fun of anyone who isn't like them or look at them in disgust (as a whole, not all christians). Is this mental anguish and isolationism any better than being pelted to death with rocks?!
I mean it all kills us inside and/or outside.
It is compounded by so many cultural and enviornmental aspects that I fear it will never be stopped, for religious fanaticism is seemingly stronger than any common sense or rationality that exist in the world ~sighs~.
Eventually mother nature will wipe us all out, so I guess anything we do is pretty much mute on a massive scale...we can only strive to change things at the personal level, and if enough people do that perhaps someday we can mature, but I don't see that happening before we kill ourselves ~sighs~
Truly a sad state stoning and the world in general ~sighs~
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