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Old 12-10-2008, 01:50 AM   #12

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Oct 2005
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Sometimes I can't help but think that everything is perception.

I loved and followed the Carlos Castanada books from start to finish, and one that I really liked was "Seperate Reality".

We all have our separate reality/perceptions of what is truth, and there is the mass reality of quantum mechanics, physics and mainstream soceity ~smiles~

Take the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions...they all stemmed from the God of Abraham, but somewhere some seperate realities changes, and as it caught steam it became a mass reality in the social-religio sphere, and now they all want to kill each other because each one is the right one ~snickers~

If you grow up in a mean place like Afgahnastan your whole life hearing nothing but the Koran, that is your reality unless you see something else that changes your seperate reality, same with the Ghetto, Christians, Buddhists, etc. ~smiles~.

It is a very interesting conversation for sure!
I adore Osho's wisdom! His rebellious nature too!He stripped everything down to its barest,and then dug some more!Osho spoke without hesitation,often shocked - but that was part of his charm.One of my fave quotes of his was thus "Priests Are The Politicians of the Soul"!!!
"Enjoy your human experience" is another!

Were we grow up,our family/parents and friends all have an effect on how we grow up and turn out.For example my parents were very puritanical when it came to sex - so hey guess what - I had problems with sex!Still do to a degree!Taking it back it a stage further,and my Mum was brought up by a strict Catholic Mother,so she was "programmed" to think about sex in the way that she did.To my Mum sex was dirty,but this was due to her upbringing. Taking things a stage forward and to were we are today,we have our governments interfering with our basic human rights.Here in the UK we have become the most spied upon nation in the world - FACT! Everywere you go there is a camera following your every move - 1984 - is well here!Our way of life is being threatened by such things as GM Food, Irradiation, Artificial Sweeteners (ASPARTAME-SACCHARIN etc),and Fluoride in our drinking water! All introduced to "dumb" us down!Guess who used FLUORIDE in the drinking water? HITLER! Yes to keep the concentration camps managable. I have digressed,I am sorry! But I have researched the things I've written about and people need to awaken to what sort of world we live in!
jgztw2es is offline


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