Is too much CSI bad for the soul?
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09-21-2010, 04:43 PM
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Oct 2005
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I find this an interesting thread which raises some larger issues. My parents have been and are addicted to TV. When I was young it was always on and the addiction is now with me to some extent. I have often joked with them that if there TV blew up their life would come to an end! You name it...she loves the game shows, whodunits and soap operas. He loves the sport and dramas. They hailed the arrival of their new 42 inch flat screen as if it was the Coming of the Messiah himself.
As I was brought up with TV I never thought anything of it. The first time I was challenged was as a seminarian (Anglican) when on parish placement I stayed with a Priest and his family who had a TV, but it was rarely on. On my arrival he announced quite deliberately that they only had the TV 'for the news and wildlife programmes'. My only reaction was not one of religious admiration but 'how odd!'
Since those days I have become a reasonably successful actor under my stage name and therefore the media is part of all of that. I have even played a priest in a TV series. You could say that watching TV is part of the job. But I have become aware of certain spiritual dangers.
Part of my problem is that I live alone. I have used the excuse that TV is company. But the reality is that is is more than that. TV offers a parallel universe to the one we are living in. It is a little like the Matrix. There are countless billions of individuals parked in front of TVs the world over for a good part of the day. Some mildly sedated by alcohol or other substances. They are not only being drip fed a fantasy world but glimpses of the real world, plus a host of people cultivating their avarice through advertising. In fact they eat in front of the TV also as if twenty minutes sat at a table might in some way trigger acute withdrawal symptoms. Bingo! TV dinners.
When I compare how much TV I watch with how much I spend in private prayer it is lamentable and I am very disciplined about daily prayer and attendance at church. But my biggest concern is how much of my 'real' life is being substituted by and fed by an illusory life. This media now along with the Net has now become for many people a Cyber Reality and people flick between them and their real life. And of course the biggest fear that many have is that if they 'switch off' is they might have to sit with themselves quietly for 5 minutes, God forbid!
I would be interested to know from any one that has 'ditched' their TVs what effect is has had overall in their lives.
Regards, JK
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