Home schooling as Orthodox
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02-21-2009, 09:46 AM
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Oct 2005
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Anna --
You are so blessed to have this co-op for your children ! Where I live, my family may not belong to any of the "Christian" (those are sarcastic quotation marks, I admit) homeschool support groups or co-ops because we are Orthodox. In a town twenty-five miles north, an Orthodox homeschooling family whom we know, does belong to a Protestant homeschooling group, and endures no discrimination. Good news is that I think the localized "pocket" where I live is not representative of the U.S. as a whole. Scant consolation for my daughter, however.
There are plenty of "abusers" of homeschooling, unfortunately. Gives a seriously bad name to the legitimate homeschooling families. The exceptionally outrageous examples become tabloid fodder, such as the homeschooling mothers who have murdered their children (e.g. Mrs. Yates).
Boy howdy, does the NEA loathe homeschooling ! ! ! The newly-elected federal administration shall be no friend to us, either.
Anna, you also are right on target about the incalculable value of learning to live at ease among people of all ages. Age-peers are necessary, I deeply believe. But healthy child development does not require belonging to a platoon of same-age associates !
Nina, here are some links to the events in Germany which I referenced:
(I don't care much for HSLDA; however, they can be a useful source of news information.)
(A "wiki" article, so not the final word for reliability. This article provides supporting references, though.)
At any rate, homeschooling is not a good or wise choice for everybody. It can, however, confer enormous blessings of many kinds ! That is why we continue with it after fourteen years.
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