As a committed home schooler, allow me to agree with your son's assessment and actually "grind an axe" over this. I do not like that many of my fellow home schoolers use home schooling as a way to isolate their child. A home schooled high schooler has time to invest in the real world and ought to avoid adolescence (in the modern sense of the word) entirely. Keeping children cloistered from naughty words and from worldly engagement is well... I'd like to go so far as to say immoral, but that's probably one hysterionic too far. A high school home schooled child should be perfectly competent to arrange their own schedule each day. And should be even MORE preparred for unstructured environments. What I think would be particularly helpful would be extended time away from parents, either at the local jr college taking classes, or volunteering at the local food pantry, or "interning" with a local plumber. Some where that they have to deal with those who's choices in life are very different from their own and that of their parents. My own experience in college was that very few students (home schooled or not, religious or not) were preparred to deal with the chaos of dorm life. But I don't think high school provides any preparation for that. Perhaps an extended summer camp stay might be the only possible pre-college exposure.