What must I do to become Orthodox?
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07-30-2009, 08:54 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Most answers to your question are going to focus on external actions and rituals, study of materials, etc. but as with anything important there is an "X" factor, some internal revolution that must take place. Otherwise, we are simply repeating what we hear other folks say. There is much talk these days of an Orthodox "phronema," i.e. that it is not good enough to be Orthodox in a formalistic way, but that we must be transformed and that this transformation must inform how we live our lives. This is especially a challenge in a non-Orthodox culture, or anti-Orthodox culture. On the other hand, living in an Orthodox culture, or at least one that is historically Orthodox, can lead to an over reliance on ritual forms. So one might argue that living in a combination secular/protestant society forces us to dig deeper. Not that I am an example of that. Simply food for thought.
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