Spilled holy Communion... what to do?
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01-20-2009, 07:40 AM
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Oct 2005
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Please forgive my ignorance and seeming irreverence...
Not at all, dear Justin! I once heard a 5 part lecture series by Mother Molania, who is in the US. It really covered Orthodoxy in a simplistic and very good way. Many of us look at the actions and decisions of people in the Church or the Church as "JURIDICAL" (as she put it) but in essence if we considered all of our discussions and actions as "MEDICINAL" we see the same glass of water differently.
The priest did not have a heart-attack for FEAR of God's wrath ... he worried himself to death because of the great love he had for God -so much so, that the love overflowed in his action to "lick the communion of the floor". This to me is a beautiful action ... this priest had so much love and so much respect for the body and blood of CHRIST it GRIEVED him to see it on the floor - it is more precious than Gold and jems ... and the more precious something is the more we honour it and treat it with the utmost delicacy! HENCE, his action was humility ... humility is the ultimate RED CARPET treatment and he laid it out for God in front of an entire congregation.
What an act of what it means to be Orthodox! many who remember this consider and remember this action and wonder ...would we do the same? Would we treat the Body and the Blood of Christ with such love and such humility as to use our very own tongues to lick it off a dirty floor???
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