Motivational Stories
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04-17-2010, 08:24 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
There once was a very ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end!
Ok well heres an actual true story about why YOU SHOULD STUDY AND ATTEMPT SCHOOL!
A family member of mine dropped out of school at grade 8,this turned out to be the worst mistake hes ever made in his life (even today)
And so he decided to go back to school, however he wont be able to like go to university and stuff. Do you know what he ended up as? Someone who delivers food around to work places, and doesnt get called upon all that much.
That is an actual true story that happened to one of my family members.
So study and do good in school or you'll end up with a bad job with really low income.
My average is about a 75..
Ok...that was the longest message i've ever written on the internet -.- (Yeah, I'm new to it.)
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