Big Taliban attack in Afghanistan
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07-24-2009, 06:23 PM
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Oct 2005
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Big Taliban attack in Afghanistan
Supposedly early today the US military experienced the largest coordinated assault since the [ame=""]Tet Offensive[/ame] back in the Vietnam War.
Today in Afghanistan 11 of the US military's [ame=""]Forward Operating Bases[/ame] were attacked within 5 minutes. Normally when a FOB is attacked they call for air support and thats that, but in this case they did not have enough air support to handle all the calls. 4 FOBs were lost.
This has not yet been announced on the news. a FOB can be manned from anywhere from 50 to 500 people; as many as it takes to hold a location. It has not been announced how many have dies or how many if any have been captured.
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