Experiences that matter not for me but for you :D
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08-04-2012, 03:16 AM
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Oct 2005
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Experiences that matter not for me but for you :D
Been a wonderful couple of months and as such a breakthrough has happened in this life
Was talking to Mom this morning and she had mentioned something that just fit in with the idea of sharing this with you all
she mentioned "Sometimes when we are trying to move forward as much as we can, we forget about the appreciation of our accomplishments".
This got me thinking of how true this really is
we demand so much out of our time we demand so much of our energy of ourselves of God to help us help ourselves we forget how much we actually have done
I strongly beleive the experiences we go through everyday are to help build our compassion for other people we come in contact with
Also to help share a message with someone looking for an answer.
As human beings we have this inept need to be unique to stand out and be different (unique
) We lose sight of our fellow person and fall in and out of patterns of lonliness. All brought on through wanting to be independant and unique. Out of pure not wanting to offend anyone who reads this I wish to put there is nothing wrong with being different...yet at the same time I beleive that there is
Lets be honest people being Human is selfish
When we come to a point in our lives were we see that we are actually here to enjoy the creation that we helped God make and to exemplify His love and glory then we understand that we are not here for us
we are here for Him
An idea that pops in is "maybe we are all here to leave messages and pathways for the next generations to carry it on. To learn what it is that the World is doing and try to improve upon it and carry on the next Vibrational wave"
So all in all
I beleive I was told what was told this morning , by mom, in order for someone to read this and get what they are seeking
Whoever you are
God Bless you and your way!!! and thank you for seeking an answer to a question
God Bless
Love and Light
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