I have yet to experience :(
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02-17-2012, 09:18 AM
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Oct 2005
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Blessed1, I can understand your frustration, but I think you're trying so hard that you're blocking your progress. You sound like your lack of progress is stressing you badly, and it is very hard to move forward in a stressed out state.
Contact with guides and spirits varies somewhat for each of us. Please don't try to replicate what your boyfriend or other friends have achieved, and feel like you've failed if you don't. Work instead to grow in your own way.
Seeing the colors as you did is an excellent start. When I see those colors, it is often an indicator that someone in the spirit realm wishes to speak to me, or wants me to know they are with me. I don't push ahead when I experience the colors, I relax and open myself to whatever comes to me. I've been told that it is not unusual for spirits to show themselves in the form of energy, light, or color.
And remember that not all of us physically 'hear' what is spoken to us. On rare ocassions I will hear a word or two, but mostly it is like another set of thoughts going on within my mind. It's silent, but spoken in wording unlike my own. I'm a bit envious of those who truly hear, but my gift doesn't work that way.
You certainly don't need to spend lots of money to open or activate your chakras. My counselor worked with me to do my own chakra work, starting with the root chakra and moving up from there. It involved a lot of visualization work, and grounding, but it succeeded and cost me nothing except time and effort.
Don't give up Blessed1, and be patient. With patience and practice, I'm sure you'll go far.
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