Reiki Shamanism
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04-16-2011, 12:09 PM
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Oct 2005
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Reiki Shamanism
I have been attempting to combine these two to try and enhance a remote healing. I purchased a CD with shaman drums with the two different rhythms to take you down in vibrations and the other to bring you back up. In the research I have done I need to lower my vibrations to be able to enter the lower realm where my animal guide resides.
In my past I have had some bad experiences with lower energies due to inexperience. I felt prepared this time I grounded my self surrounded myself and the room I was in with white light. I asked my guide to come with me and help me attain the lower level. After starting the CD my guide started to talk to me guiding me (this has never happened before) at each key point my guide would prompt me with calming words and directions. Everything was going well I could see where I was going and new I was close to the lower realm. Once my guide told me "you are here" a jolt of adrenaline went throw me and I shot back up.
I know this is due to a fear of which I though I was past..
Does anyone have some advice on how to get past this? The fear is of lower beings that tormented me in my younger years. The thing is since I have learned to protect myself they have never been back. This fear seems to be unfounded.
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