Villani- its funny you say that because many of my experiences are very much like those in the show Medium. I never really watched the show until a couple months ago and it intrigued me greatly because of her its off the air...ha ha of course, right? I have always considered myself more of an intuitive because I can feel spirit energy now in my adulthood instead of "see" them like I did as a child. I used to tease and call my myself a dream Medium...but that is probably more factual than kidding. Also just so you grandmother used to call me "Dawnie" hmmm...did you tap into something there? I think it is profound that we remember these events at a such a small age. I was a sickly kid too...and had some bizarre experiences when I was sick. Do you still see spirits? PaganMedium: I am always blown away when reading some of your experiences and reading this story kind of took my breath away and even made me tear up a little. I am sorry your ex wasnt supportive... and am glad you have the support you need now. Your experiences that you share are so valued amongst the rest of learning how to cope and figure it out. Thank you both for sharing!