Your very first Paranormal/Psychic Experience
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03-27-2011, 06:34 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I am in awe of your accounts, and although I'm not sure which was my first experience due to being so young, I'll do an explanation. One, where I lived was surrounded by factories and the houses were victorian with toilets at the far end of a large yard. At about five years old I had gone there accompanied by our neighbours small dog. I had only just closed the door when I realised that someone was also in the that wasn't a moment before. I turned to find a person about the same height as me... Pure white skin, large blue eyes and whisps of white shoulder length hair looking at me. A moment later I heard the dog growling and barking and I was trying to squeeze passed. I ran up the yard with the dog snarling a barking at my heels back to the house.
I don't know who this little person was, but looking back I know I wasn't scared at first until I heard the dog going mad and scratching under the door.
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