colours during childbirth
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02-28-2011, 10:05 AM
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Oct 2005
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colours during childbirth
I'm new to this site so first of all - Hi everyone
I just have a question about seeing colours and what they mean.
I have seen spirits, heard voices, had dreams, premonitions etc since i was a child but during my teen years everything got a little out of control and subsiquently i blocked as much as i could because it began to scare me.. now that im a little older (and hopefully wiser!) i have started to work on unblocking myself. i have signed up for psychic development classes near by and cant wait until they begin.
anyway, back to my question - i gave birth to my son 5 months ago and during the birth, like literally the minute he was entering the world i saw these bursts of colours. first a brilliant blue, followed by purple and also deep green. anyone know what it was or what those colours mean?
I began working with the angels in my teen years and know that seeing certain colours can mean the corresponding arcangel is with you. but is this the only explanation? and if it is which angels where there?
thanks for your help x
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