And he said "Show me proof!"
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02-26-2011, 05:29 AM
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Apr 2007
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And he said "Show me proof!"
My lovely partner and mate believes in my abilities but has always been (like most men) a "show me" kinda guy when it comes to signs and premonitions.
A few months ago, he had said something about "We need to lock up our cars at night, I just have this feeling about it." We never have had to because we live in a pretty rural area but I kinda dismissed him on it. About 4 weeks later our cars, unlocked, were opened and someone stole my Ipod out of his car. They dumped out my purse (yes... I left my purse in the car) and stole all my cash, even my change. (no big money was in it thank Goddess). So that was proof 1.
A few days ago we were clearing out the trees and fallen limbs around our house. We literally live in the woods of 200 foot trees. He said, "You know, I shouldn't park in my spot. That tree up above it doesn't look like it's alive. There is a limb missing from that left side already." I just said, "Yeah you should park in the round about instead."
Today he came home, had a migraine and walked in about 10 minutes earlier than usual. He was happy to be home. We just walked outside to talk about our days when we heard a bang. He said "Wow it's really windy outside, I wonder if a tree hit someone's house or car?" Just then our doorbell rang. Nathan's mom pulls up and said... "I just saw a huge limb land on your car, you should check and see if there is any damage."
Sure enough, his entire windshield, roof and rack (on top) is broken... badly. He cannot drive it.
Proof 2.
So I laughed and said "So now do you believe in premonitions?" He laughed and said.. "Yes... and now I'm gonna listen!!"
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