Odd experience (tried posting this before, i think i did something wrong)
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02-23-2011, 08:27 PM
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Apr 2007
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Nathope is right.
Maybe they had good intentions but it was still a rather nasty thing to do to someone they call a "friend". Fear is funny to some people and many have more fears than some. If you were raised in a home that had a lot of things to fear, it is something you grow up with knowing. Just as some people grow up with knowing abuse or love.
While it can be a lesson for you not to believe everything you hear (even if it is from a "friend"). I hope now you understand that just because someone says it, does not mean it is your truth. Research, learn, read, ask others.
Fear is based on not knowing. So when you break it down, you will see there is nothing to fear.
I've been psychic and a medium since I was a very small girl. I have still never run into anyone possessed. I have met people who had an "attachment" but that is for another story. Even with an "attachment", the person knows what they are doing, they are aware of their actions, they simply choose to listen to the negative attachment who is telling them to do bad things and thus, this can look like they are possessed.
Hope that helps.
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