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02-16-2011, 09:10 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Hi Pagan,
That is an awesome post, i truly feel for you. It is not a great not a great journey that you are walking, its filled with raw emotions, it must be the biggest challenge of your life ( also your mothers) but i do believe carers are the gold of this earth.
My friends mum had Multiple schlorosis, it was terminal and she watched her mother slowly die over 15 years, she was so emabarresed by it, at 14 she tried to tell me her mum was an alcoholic... It was a typical windy hot night and her mum was also diagnosed with bi polar with delusions, she tried to justify her mums behaviour as we lie watching the stars on her front lawn.
I having an alcoholic father , said you dont need to lie to me , your mum is not an alcoholic, she got angry with me, i told her ,my story more in depth and she told me hers. ( she wasnt happy about being caught out lying the stubborn thing ) then we both cried and held each other.
Emotions can do funny things to us, she built a wall not even herself could climb, today in our hmm cough cough splatter late 30s she is starting to heal
slowly.... She survived more than most without going insane or depressed
You Pagan are an amazing, loving and a very special person, you know this , but it doesnt hurt to hear it ,, even for a person as strong as you !!
Oi and dont come back and tell me about its about your mum, im talking to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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