voice in right ear
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04-02-2011, 08:08 AM
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Apr 2007
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I was luckier than most to be raised in a family that not only was psychic but also didn't fit into the mainstream medical mumbo jumbo.
Some aren't so lucky. This is why most of us now are becoming more aware of our gifts and that spirituality has hit "mainstream". Sometimes way out of proportion but still, helping people become aware that their kids are not crazy, but instead special. The labels popped up soon after, star, crystal, indigo, rainbow. While there are real kids, with real medical issues, labeling them with a spiritual name doesn't help them nor fix the disorders.
I never pretend I know it all about spirituality, but I do my homework, I read everything and I see what my guides and my higher self take from it. Just as I ask all of you, if what I teach seems wrong to you, by all means, leave it
But if what I teach helps you, take it, and pass it on
Not everyone will agree with you, some will smite you, some will rejoice with you. Finally, the only thing that matters is how you... feel about you...
Now that I got off on a tangent lol.
I mean to say that my children chose me, because I understood them. I would help them to spread light and love and acceptance. My daughter, 10 years old, psychic and a medium is A.D.D., quirky, funny and multi-talented. Her medication was making her aggressive... so I can't say we didn't try modern stuff, and maybe I need to try another, but for now, she's learning to cope with her issues. She has low self esteem. Funny isn't it? Born to a mother that preaches "love yourself!!" Sometimes, it's a lesson you are born with and has nothing to do with a poor childhood or abuse. She's been neither.
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