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02-01-2011, 03:41 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Thanks for the replies, is always helpful to share with people who are not of the judgemental mind, and have hearts and minds that are open, helpful, and loving.
And of course, it always helps when others can add confirmation to the reason why a few rocks are placed in my path
Fortunately, the house has no negativity, just the close friend, and I tend to agree with you TRINER....whatever/whoever it was, pretty much was trying to tell me to chill, and no longer embrace in this argument.
HARMONY....thank you for your words, as with Triners reply, yes, it was there to attract my attention, again to let me know , and to confirm, that I am being watched.
XPECTMIRACLES.......truer words very rarely spoken, but so difficult to drop a friend of such a long time, even though I see her dark aura, and we don't always see eye to eye
SS.......mmmm new friends I have found, neat how like attracts like....
Again thank you all for the replies, look forward to crossing paths with you all.
Peace Love be with you Always
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