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12-21-2010, 01:13 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Addictions are such a cunning enemy of life
They are brought about for a sense of learning and compassion towards others yet in most cases it leaves a residue which lingers in our minds. A escape or blocking of self to do what needs to be done.
Often this can be a result of genetics and I have been telling myself this for awhile now...I honestly do not beleive that through genetics one can become an addict or develope a strong addicting personality
I beleive that through the escape of one's life and letting go of personal care that one will develope addictions
We are Human and can not excuse the dabble in anything in life yet we must understand everything in moderation
Addiction is not only formed from drugs but also through sex, food, computer games, nintendo games, energy, anger, chocolate anything you can think of can be an addiction
If you find yourself wondering why you are doing something over and over again and just are not grasping the concept of self control analyze the moment in which it happens..what WERE you going to do before that addiction came in
What WERE you thinking or WHO were you going to meet, see or think of. What aspects of your life are you at a cross roads with and not wishing to deal with or what is stressing you out the most at this present time. All these answers will lead to a "ahh hah!!" moment and then the fun part in acknowleding and being gentle and honest with self to change these patterns
One step at a time easy does it and remember Just for Today
God BLess
Love and Light
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