A spirit who won't cross over- what to do?
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10-11-2009, 06:23 AM
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Oct 2005
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the fact spirits can not hurt you is a debatable topic really. I dont believe that anything made from the light can hurt you. While i lived in the uk i used to watch alot of paranormal shows (even as a child i was attracted to this) i wish i could watch them again and or just remember what was said but i do recall one episode when a spirit became dangerous.
The spirit i had following me was at first very soft dunno how else to put it i only felt him on my newspaper route, then when i came back to south africa he would stand in the passage and watch over me i could feel him watching me, when i went outside at night he would follow but not much more then that. I moved in with my boyfriend and he was always outside the front door or in the dining room, (the kitchen light was always the last i turned off I used to RUN thru thr dining room up the passage into my room) then one night i felt him in my room then he was at work with me and there when i went out... he always used to be behing me to my left when he started walking infront of me i got ticked off with him! i occasionally saw him as a shadow but nothing glamourous!
i dont feel him anymore, maybe i just dont notice him... But i was talking to the lady who taught me Reiki the otherday about the little girl i have been seeing, she said i must extend pure white light out to her saying that if she is not of the light she should go into it. i havent seen her since then really i dont know if i did this subconcisously, but your spirit on the other hand needs to go into the light as reluctant as he may be. I dont get a great vibe from this situation.
On the hearing topic, you are clairaudient i dont always hear spirits but i have had "conversations" with a few. I cant turn it on and off it just happens when it happens i must admit i am scared to channel and i believe they know that and kinda leave me be... lol.
I think try tell the spirit that he needs to go and that you dont want him hanging onto you.... what does everyone else think? maybe i am way off here! Here's a prayer that works well:
i have used it a few times with a great outcome!!!
In nomini padre
et feli
et spiritus sancti
abe male spritus
abe male spiritus
abe male spiritus
in nomini padre
et feli
et spiritus sancti
in nomini jesus christi
(now think a really happy thought and feel the power of that thought)
its in latin male in pronounced ma-le
Hope this helps
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