need help in learning about my abilities and how to use them
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10-09-2009, 11:35 PM
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Oct 2005
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This is something I also have been struggling with for to manage the empathic abilities when around other people.
I work for McDonald's and have to be around all types of personalities all the time. I find what works for me, in that kind of environment, is to make everyone happy. I make myself EXTREMELY happy before i goto work by praying and putting my mind in a very very happy place. Then when I get to work I focus on making people around me very happy with pleasant tone and words.
I find this helps form a lot of positive energy around that person. Being empath doesn't mean you have to feel what their personal self is feeling, it's about feeling what their soul is feeling. If you send out love energy or surround someone with a lot of light and warmth, due to the nature of Karma, you get back every thing you send out.
You will start to feel better immediately.
Something that came to me the other day which has been helping a lot with energies from other people is to just walk through it..Look up Psalm 23 on google it has helped me a lot.
God Bless
Love and Light
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