need help in learning about my abilities and how to use them
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12-09-2009, 08:18 AM
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Oct 2005
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At first it was very interesting I had to come to terms that I was creating emotions around me before i was shown that i could see and feel other people's emotions. Sometimes i second guess and went through a very bad time in my life that almost drove me insane .. i mixed my empathic abilities with jealousy and worry..very very very very wrong to do. It took me almost 3 months after the fact in order to centre myself again and i am still having to forgive.
I learned to love it. I am in love with emotions all forms of it. I love being able to walk into a room and pin point exactly what someone is feeling. It is the most mystical roller coaster, and i mean roller coaster, of life. Yah it gets hard sometimes because I am still human and still have to register and work on my own emotions.
I feel a scrambling of trying to understand, a trying to learn too fast. Feels as though you need to be grounded out more that you are going to high too fast. Find some time to concentrate on your breathing and visually meditate that you are a tree with roots going deep into the Earth. Feel the wonderous warm energy of Mother Earth seeping into your very soul. The Root chakra located in the pelvis region is the Chakra associated with connecting to Earth. Grounding out your energies and feeling Human.
In order for you not to second guess try to talk to the person you feel is in the feeling. Start a conversation .. notice if someone leaves the room or work place and the room feels better again. It's a fun experience and a hard one
I am sending you some protection and prayer to help you on your way. My wish is that with doing so you might pick up something you already know how to do
God Bless
Love and Light
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