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09-21-2009, 06:17 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
That is a wonderful experience for you, but belive it or not I could have written that post myself as a very similar thing happened to me. I too suffer with Fibromyalgia and have done for years. Thankfully now I have got 2 meds that control it wonderfully providing I take them daily. However I had to have major abdominal surgery last year and was advised to stop taking the pain killing meds for 4 weeks which I did. As a sufferer of Fibromyangia you will know what happens when you stop taking the meds, I was in total agony everywhere, but especially in the abdominal operations site. Anyway, I had been home from hospital for only 5 days when it was my husbands parents 60th wedding anniversary. I had said previously to all the family that we would put on a party for them and I would do the catering etc, not knowing that I would have had to have surgery only a week before. I honestly did not know how I would get through the next 2 days, the house needed cleaning from top to bottom plus all the food to cook for the party.
My husband was working nights that night and so I went to bed alone. I lay on my back in agony and prayed to God that he would take my pain away for just 2 days so that I could get the work done and not have to leave it to my husband who would be so tired from working 12 hours night shifts. I asked God to help me to do all the work, so that my husband could sleep the next day. Then as I lay there with my eyes closed I felt a firm strong hand being placed on my abdomen. I did not open my eyes as I did not '
want to break the spell'
so to speak. I just lay there for well over a minute quite clearly feeling this hand on my stomach, it was such a wonderful feeling. I never opened my eyes as I fell into a deep sleep very quickly and never felt the hand come off my stomach.
The next morning I awoke and got out of bed and suddenly realised that I had no pain whatsoever. It was truly a miracle, and one I took advantage of and wizzed through the housework with no problems, plus cooked all the food for the following day. I knew that I would be given the 2 days of pain free time that I needed, and throughout the next 2 days I constantly thought of that hand that was placed on my stomach that night, a healing hand no doubt. The party was a great success and the happy couple had a wonderful time.
I went to bed on the night of day 2 fully expecting to wake up the next morning with the pain again, after all I had only asked for 2 pain free days. Imagine my suprise when I woke up the next morning and I was still pain free. I knelt and thanked God most whole heartly for the wonderful gift of healing that he had given to me.
I am so happy for you that you too have experienced this wonderful blessing. I know that it will remain with you for the rest of your life. You have been truly blessed.
God Bless.
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