HELP ME UnDerStandPleaSe
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03-10-2009, 01:55 AM
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Oct 2005
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C that's just it GoD I love him above all I know right from wrong and I if I do something wrong I get the feeling I get that little voice in my ear my mother will come to me and let me know that I don't want to offend any one but I know those who call on voodoo work to harm others or cause confusion I think that is wrong I grow up with people casting spells trying to harm my aunts and grandmother leaving salts and dropping things I witness these things I mean my grandmother had a great great gift she only used it for good she called to GoD and his angels but she knew when things were not right is she got a vision she would warn u the same as I do My cousin grew up in the same house as her so I just don't get her but she is entitled to feel how she wants I cause no harm I wish no harm so at the end of the day im not wrong so I wanted others input just to know what they thought and how they felt and I thank you all for the input I m different and as someone posted I dare to b different Its funny how my cousin thinks its wrong but when I have a dream with a message for her she is all ears
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