I disagree the chakra centers are used with every psychic ability, through chakra stimulation, and just because you did not consciously learn of it does not mean you do not use your chakra centers. Without the stimulation of the chakra centers you would be hard pressed to achieve any psychic manifestation. I am not disagreeing with this statement. What I am saying is, no one potential medium has to focus on their chakras to be able to communicate with the spirit world. Granted you didnt learn about the chakra in your development but you would have still stimulated your chakras whether you did it consciously or not. I have said in a previous posting that if chakra centres are used then I leave them in the hands of my guides. Nonetheless, if as you say we stimulate them on an unconscious level it could also be that guides are the ones who actually control their working efficiency under psychic conditions. Mediumship is no different when the spirit stimulates the chakras of the medium directly, by melding with the medium and causing psychic abilities, clairvoyance, channeling, healing, production of ectoplasm etc to manifest through the medium. But you dont need an spirit to help you with this (besides the obvious help of gaining info from loved ones and ectoplasm) If you learn to control your own chakras and energy, you can do these things on your own, with no spirit involved. We are spiritual beings have a human experience. Everybody is psychic, therefore, we can all tap into these intuitive powers and improve them. Psychic refers to self/soul. A majority of people are able to listen to their intuition for instance when meeting someone for the first time and, during times of crisis, or they just happen to know who is on the other end of the phone. When we are in tune with our inner powers, we have the opportunity to pick up on a number of different feelings and respond accordingly. Thereby, intuition can help to provide us with inspiration and, guide us through our daily lives. Intuition is a natural faculty and requires no effort on our part, other than to listen to it. As we all possess psychic powers, we each have the potential to develop clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities to a standard where we are able to offer psychic readings for other people. Differences in opinion as to how we manage to achieve this will always be debateable. There are a number of methods that could be followed. Unfortunately, after personal experimentation i've found some to be completely unnecessary. However, it's up to the individual which method they wish to use. Some people will try a variety of ways before they find one they are comfortable with. Practise will expand ones abilities in these areas. Time spent learning symbology, that's appropriate to you will also help with interpretation of the images, coming from meditations or, whatever tools we may use at the time of a reading The messages a psychic gives to another person is picked up from the energies surrounding the person (aura) no matter what type of tool, if any is used. Generally a reading consists of information which relates to the person and can focus on specific areas or situations that are of importance to the person. Some psychics may make predictions but as we have freewill, these predictions may not come to fruition. No psychic reading will ever contain messages or communications from the spirit world. Chakras transform raw Kundalini energy into more subtle, and useable, forms of energy, of a different type. Kundalini energy is, in essence, pure thought energy that permeates and binds the universe together. This living energy field can be tapped, more deeply, by the application of focused, creative will. It can be drawn into the human body and transformed by the chakra system into a more subtle and useable form of energy.