My Candle
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08-15-2009, 02:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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My Candle
I hope I am posting this in the right section.
I have this white candle here at the house that I have used for 4 different magical workings. The first 3 were all meditative purposes. This last time (This morning), I lit the candle for a personal Tarot reading. I noticed that the flame jumped high and took a few minutes to settle down but I thought nothing of it. I pulled my reading; which imho I failed at for the first time in while
; and as I went to put the candle away; I stopped suddenly. The candle had burned more than half way down from it's original point and wax had filled the dish up.
This candle had always been a very very slow burner. The flame always somewhat typical size but I had actually been rather joyed to see that the candle barely ever left much of wax drippings. It was almost like the perfect little candle.
Seeing this drastic change in the way it burned jump started my memory where I had read in an article about Ceromancy: The fine art of Candle reading.
I tore through my "Spirit Books" I have filed away on my bookshelf until I found the print out. It still did not answer my question though.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why the candle behaved so differently when lit with Tarrot and not the other workings? Was it possibly my mental place?
I also have some other questions when it comes to candle burning and using them to assist you in spiritual endevours.............. Thanks in advance.
First, should a person use a candle for more than one magical working?
For instance, should one candle be set aside for meditation only?
Should another one be used for 1 spell and then not re-lit for any other purpose or spell? (If so, why?) To extend this thought; If you light a candle for magical purposes; lets say for the simple purpose of releasing negative energy while taking an herbal bath; should the candle be left to burn out or can you snuff the flame and re-light it for other purposes or for even the same purpose?
Are there actual rules for all this or is it upto the practictioner and how she/he feels? I feel kinda stupid posting this but in another way, I really don't. Who else would I ask but you guys?!
See ya around.
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