How did I do it? (reading)
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08-06-2009, 09:53 PM
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Oct 2005
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How did I do it? (reading)
Yesterday me and a friend was having a deep converstation about something that happened a few years ago, I was in a psychic chat room where there was a development class taking place and I got a strong image of a lady standing next to me, she gave me a name and it turns out someone in the chat room said that I had picked up her aunt.
I was telling my friend about it and the fact that it hasnt happened to me since but I told her that I know I can do it I just dont know how to and then
all of a sudden in my minds eye I saw a man sitting next to my friend, I described every little detail about him and my friend was 100% convinced that I had just described her Dad but how did I do it?
Was it because we were already talking about it so I was in the right frame of mind or just a coincidence?
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