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09-07-2009, 07:47 AM
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Oct 2005
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Astral projection is the most exilerating experience one can experience while in this form...It reminds us of the feeling of freedom here in the World as we are all just physical forms of spirits. Astral projection is a form of meditation it charges your spirit much like calms and relaxes the mind and allows higher Truth to be in some religions it is called 'peeking into heaven' . It has benefits beyond anything in this World ... communicating with Ascended masters. Seeing your past lives...or being in a place you would like to be or see..such as family when far away. It could be a form of entertainment as you are playing a game with Spirit..but i also beleive that it teaches one to Let Go of learn to trust learn to drop all and trust in something that is around us all the time...almost an invitation to find Creator/God/Universe. I could see a development of a relationship with the real and the spirit..meaning..while riding a bike..driving a car...doing a test..being at work..allowing spirit to step in a help see things before it happens..a development of the Psyche and Spiritual intuition. That is very impressive to have so much consciousness while projecting..I myself cannot
whether its a block or just not wanting to i have yet to figure that out. Keep up the good work
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